2020 was definitely a challenge. But it’s just like what they say, adversity breeds opportunity! The pandemic forced us to adapt, and some industries got farther ahead than the rest.



Here are the Top 5 Emerging Industries in 2021

1. E-commerce

E-commerce is quickly becoming the name of the game. If your business can’t survive online, your business is put on the line. E-commerce is the buying and selling of goods done over the internet. Shopping online was already starting to crawl up the ranks before Corona hit, with the wider selection of products being it’s most charming quality. Now, it has pretty much skyrocketed.

2. Logistics

Business-to-Consumer operations? Business-to-Business? Whatever transactions you have in mind, it’s going to take logistics. Protocols surrounding travel made it increasingly difficult for non-logistics companies to carry out in-house transportation services. In-house services can’t really keep up with the quality of well-established logistics providers. This industry kept the world moving.

3. Digital Marketing

Following in the footsteps of E-commerce and Logistics, Digital Marketing also found it’s rightful place in the top runners this year. There’s a famous quote by Marshall Mcluhan that goes, “Advertising is the Greatest Art Form of the 20th Century.” Surely, this carried over to the 21st. For the first time in history, everybody has a readily-available platform. Everyone’s online. Digital Marketers capitalize off of that and catapult brands into the world wide web.

4. Healthcare

Of course, there is no doubt that the Healthcare industry earned its place in this list. It’s one of the worst affected industries in 2020. Still, it’s thriving. 2020 gave us a cultural reset when it comes to our views on vaccination, vitamins, and our general hygiene and health. We’re welcoming 2021 with sanitized hands and hopeful hearts. The Healthcare industry is a mainstay, since they offer essential services, with or without a pandemic.

5. IT

When everything is digital, it comes as no surprise that the IT industry made it on this list. See even the Technological Age bears their namesake. Every single industry that can survive online, stand on the shoulders of IT specialists. From web developers, computer engineers, and online tech troubleshooters, they’re linked in to our daily lives and our sources of living. Like Healthcare, IT will stay in the top spot well after 2021.

But what’s the one thing that all these industries have in common? They outsource. Perhaps the best part of outsourcing is that you can go beyond your limits. Offshore talents are ripe for the picking, and our job is to pick the best ones. Our network of partners covers almost every single industry. The Philippine BPO scene is a great place to set your roots.

If you're a BPO start-up and you're unsure of your first steps, let us help you! We've got more than a decade of experience under our belt, both as clients and as consultants. We know the way.

If you're searching for star-quality staff, we got you covered! Our executive search services will get you your ideal candidate, no less. Whatever the position, whatever the need, you deserve only the right people for the job.

Now if we've successfully convinced you that outsourcing is the way to go, but you're still confused about potential partners, don't sweat it. We've got a world-class BPO Marketplace right here at DCPH. You can look at what the world has to offer, at just a click away.

DCPH can help you connect the dots. We'll help you write your own success story. You've got goals, we're sure. Ours is to help you reach yours.

Book a consultation with us now and let’s get you modernized and motivated.

The coronavirus pandemic has long caused a huge change in the way people work and businesses run. When the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic, companies were quick to effectuate a skeletal workforce. And with protocols and mandatory social distancing rules in place, many were forced to resort to remote work.

It has been roughly eight months since the start of most lockdowns worldwide. This means that a lot of employees have already spent majority of the year working virtually. And research says this will continue even after the pandemic. In a survey conducted by Gartner in July 2020, it was revealed that 82% of company leaders plan to allow their employees to work remotely after COVID-19.

While remote work isn’t new, it is also not the norm before the pandemic hit, which is why it comes with its own cons. For one, a crucial factor in business success—team collaboration—was deeply affected because of the obvious reason that people can’t meet face-to-face to brainstorm their ideas.

But when geared with the correct knowledge and resources, teams can make this new work-from-home set-up work in their favor.

Engage with your co-workers

Unless you’ve been under a rock for the past few months, you’ve probably been invited to a Zoom or Google Meet meeting by your boss or teammates. Ideas can be developed more successfully when people gather together to discuss them and we can’t exactly do that now, which is why video conferencing has been a norm in remote work.

But being in online video calls for long periods of time can cause fatigue. Working-from-home stripped everyone off of the chit-chat we have every once in a while in a physical workplace. One way we can remedy that is by initiating more casual conversations between work-related discussions. Use messaging software to catch up with your workmates just like you would during lunch at the pantry or at the water cooler when you’re making coffee at the office.

Invest in project management tools

There are tons of productivity software you can use to enable you to streamline your operations more seamlessly so you can stay productive. Some examples that you can look into are organization apps such as Wunderlist for to-do lists, Calendly for syncing your schedule with your team, Time Timer for measuring your work hours, and Evernote for cloud-based note-taking. The key is finding out which apps work best for you.

Foster an effective communication system

At the end of the day, if there is no proper and effective communication system, even if you have premium access to the top-notch video conferencing or productivity tools in the market, your team will not be productive. The new normal is tough to navigate — we know this much is true — and it wouldn’t help if we don’t understand each other. Foster a remote work environment where your teammates can freely air out their needs to ensure that everyone is working happily albeit far apart.

If you agree with this article and see that your current workplace doesn’t have the aforementioned, then you might consider joining a team that allows for team collaboration and individual growth even amid the pandemic. We can help you out!

Here at DCPH, we can find you a job wherever you are in the Philippines. Feel free to browse through our Careers page and you just might find the next door to your next career opening in front of you.

See Our Job Vacancies

The history of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) in the Philippines dates back to 1992 when a man named Frank Holz set up the first BPO company in the country. Since then, outsourcing firms have been sprouting here and there. Up to this day, the industry is continuously growing not only with the number of firms being established but also with the kind of services it provides. It has evolved from the procurement of simple tasks to more complex ones. There are outsourcing companies now that offer services in trades that require specific technical skills such as legal and engineering — this was not the case when BPO was first introduced in the country.

In 2010, the Philippines was declared the BPO capital of the world, with it taking 16 to 18 percent of the total outsourced services globally. In fact, in 2018, the industry was among the top contributors to the country’s rising GDP.

Understanding Outsourcing

By definition, outsourcing or remote staffing is the contracting of tasks and obligations to a third-party vendor. When enterprises outsource their non-core functions from service providers, they are left with nothing else but ensuring that their businesses are performing smoothly. And that is not to say that the duties delegated to outsourcing companies are not important — they are just as valuable, only that some of them require skills that other companies cannot get on board with yet or anymore. It is either because their operations are escalating at a rate that would no longer allow them to carry out their auxiliary processes, or they are yet to expand and need support in running their company.

Aside from the aforementioned, here are a few other benefits of outsourcing:

No matter what the reason is for outsourcing, the bottom line is that outsourcing is here to help businesses thrive. But if you are part of the latter — a start-up wondering how the world of outsourcing works in streamlining and systematizing your workflow — then you have come to the right place!

DCPH: A BPO Marketplace

There is a word we like to describe Digital Consulting PH with: aggregator. Think of DCPH as an international BPO marketplace — a one-stop for your outsourcing essentials. You do not have to look for the perfect service provider anymore because we have already taken on that role for you. Armed with decades-long industry experience working with global clients, we are here to listen to your business situation so that we may be able to come up with the right solution for your outsourcing needs. With us, you will get connected with the outsourcing service providers based in the Philippines that will cater to your needs, whatever the industry you are in: administration, digital marketing, e-commerce, engineering, finance, health care, IT and software development, legal services, and logistics.

Are you ready to start your outsourcing journey with us? Reach out! Feel free to fill out our form at our Contact Us page with all the necessary details that would help us visualize your vision.

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